Student Journalism

We do student journalism differently at The Griffins’ Nest. Here’s how.


Our motto, as appears in our nameplate, is Informative, Impartial, Independent. These three words describe our approach to what we do, and surmise our editorial doctrine.

Informative: We owe our readers nothing less than the truth. We inform them with accurate, relevant reporting that serves our community. 

Impartial: We, as journalists, "take no side, tell all sides", as described in the Freedom from Bias section of the Reuters Handbook of Journalism. We avoid false balance and are objective and our news reporting. 

Independent: We vigorously defend without, fear or favour, our Charter right to freedom of expression and of the press. We are an entirety student-led and run newspaper.

The Nest is one of few independent media outlets that covers and publishes student concerns in the Vancouver School District, and we take our role as student journalists seriously. We try our best to report and represent the experiences of students across the district, and make it a priority to make such news accessible.

The Nest is a forum for free expression, grounded in the idea that the freedoms of thought, belief, and opinion, and expression are essential human rights and in the context of a newspaper, freedoms that invite a myriad of perspectives that can inspire and bring about social, economic, scientific, and political change.

Learn about our editorial standards and ethics here.